Frequently Asked Questions about Getting Your Child Vaccinated

Who should get a COVID vaccine?

Everyone age 6 months and older should get a COVID vaccine.

Why should my child get vaccinated?

COVID can get people of all ages sick. There’s no way to predict how your child might be affected by COVID.

Millions of children have been infected with the virus that causes COVID.

Among children under age 18 in the United States who’ve gotten COVID:

  • More than 140,000 have been hospitalized

  • More than 1,700 have died

  • Some children were hospitalized with severe disease or developed a condition called multi-inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C), which can damage organs and on rare occasions be deadly.

  • Like adults, some children who have had COVID, even mild cases, have experienced lingering symptoms, commonly referred to as “long COVID.” In younger children it may be difficult for them to express what they are feeling or experiencing, which can make this condition even more difficult to identify and address.

Even if your child doesn’t get very sick, a COVID infection could still cause health problems down the road.

Your child can also spread the virus to someone who is at risk for severe illness—like a grandparent, someone at church, a teacher at school, or anyone in your community.

The vaccines are highly effective at preventing severe illness, hospitalization, and death due to COVID.

Additionally, CDC guidance for COVID exposures are different for people who have been vaccinated, and being vaccinated may help your child to stay in daycare or school after an exposure.

How do we know the vaccines are safe for kids?

The COVID vaccine for children has been through rigorous testing and thorough review by the FDA and CDC.

Thousands of children participated in the clinical trials. Among those who received the vaccine, it was shown to be safe and effective at preventing COVID.

COVID vaccines are the most closely monitored vaccines in U.S. history. And the FDA and CDC will continue to monitor the safety of COVID vaccines, including among children.

How do the vaccines work?

The active ingredient is a molecule that leads your body to briefly make a protein (called the spike protein) normally found on the surface of the virus that causes COVID. The vaccine helps your body recognize that protein and creates a strong immune response against the spike protein.

After vaccination, your body breaks down the vaccine components and gets rid of them within about 36 hours.

After vaccination, because the immune system has protection built up against the spike protein, the body is ready to fight off the virus that causes COVID.

How many vaccines does my child need?

The number of doses your child needs to stay up to date with their vaccines and get the best protection against COVID depends on their age and which vaccine they get. Talk to your healthcare provider or the public health department to learn more.

What are the common side effects of the vaccine?

Children who’ve gotten a COVID vaccine have the same common side effects as adults.

Common side effects include:

  • Pain, redness, or swelling where you got your shot

  • Tiredness

  • Headache

  • Muscle pain

  • Chills

  • Fever

  • Nausea

These side effects are normal and typically last for a couple days after vaccination. They are signs that the vaccine is working and that your child’s body is building protection against the virus.

What about long-term side effects of the vaccine?

There is no evidence to suggest that vaccines threaten a long, healthy life. Conversely, we know getting COVID can have long-term negative effects.

If my child has had COVID, do they still need to get the vaccine?

Yes. You should get your child vaccinated against COVID even if they’ve already had COVID.

Having had COVID doesn’t necessarily protect someone against getting infected again.

In fact, a recent study found that unvaccinated individuals are more than twice as likely to be re-infected with COVID than those who had COVID and then got vaccinated.

How can I prepare my child to get the vaccine?

Getting a shot can be scary for kids. Here are some tips to comfort your child before, during, and after their shot.


  • Talk to them honestly about what to expect:

    • Shots sometimes pinch or sting a little bit, but only for a short time.

    • If you take a deep breath, you can blow out the sting before you can count to five.

    • We all need vaccines to keep us safe from germs that might make us sick.

  • DON’T give your child pain relievers before vaccination.


  • Comfort—don’t scold—your child if they cry and avoid using shots as a threat.

  • Let your child bring a favorite toy or blanket to hug during the injection.

  • You can distract them with a story, video, or conversation.

  • Ask the vaccine provider if they have a numbing ointment or spray to apply before the shot.

  • Use comforting positions, such as holding your child on your lap. Avoid laying your child down flat. And never pin down your child for medical procedures.


  • Hug and praise your child.

  • Tell them their body is already making germ fighters to keep them safe and healthy.

  • A reward like a sweet treat or sticker can be motivating.

  • To help reduce pain and swelling, you can apply a cool, damp cloth on the arm where your child got their shot.

  • Ask your child’s health care provider if it’s OK for them to take their normal pain reliever if they have side effects, such as headache or fever. Most side effects go away on their own within a few days.

Can my child get other vaccines at the same time as the COVID vaccine?

Yes. The CDC has indicated that COVID vaccine can be administered at the same visit as any other vaccines. However, the vaccines should be given in different locations separated by at least one inch. Because data related to COVID vaccine receipt at the same time as other vaccines are limited, parents and healthcare providers may opt to give the vaccines on different days. Providers and parents should consider the likelihood that the child will be able to return for another visit without risk of falling behind on vaccinations, the child’s chance for exposure, and whether they have health conditions that increase their risk of experiencing severe disease if infected.