In some emergencies, you may not have time to prepare and will need to act immediately.
Listen to Authorities
If you must ACT NOW, follow these steps to help keep you and your family safe.
Evacuate immediately, if requested. Do not wait.
If evacuated, take your emergency kit with you to your shelter or other meeting place. Be sure to inform family where you will be going.
If instructed to stay inside, bring family and pets inside immediately. Stay inside until you are informed by authorities that it is safe to leave or evacuate.
Depending on the nature of the emergency, drive only if you have to. Avoid areas that are blocked off or unsafe.
Stay informed with emergency alerts via your phone or other broadcasts, like radio or TV. Sign up for AMA Alerts >
Contact your doctor if you are experiencing a medical emergency.
Take Action
If you are instructed to shelter in place, follow these instructions to keep you and your family safe.
Turn off fans, dryer, heating and AC
Shut the fireplace dampener
Close curtains and blinds
Go to the room with the fewest windows and doors. Take your emergency kit with you.
Seal doors, windows, and air vents with plastic bags and tape, depending on the nature of the emergency.
Put together a quick emergency supply kit with what you have on hand: flashlights, batteries, hand sanitizer, non-perishable foods, and water.